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Colvic Watson 35 (1989)

tamora zijde

Colvic Watson 35 motor sailor (1989) - Sold


On this boat you can cheerfully wave in your t-shirt  to sailors deeply ensconced in their rain suits trying to shelter from rain and wind. This Colvic Watson polyester motor sailor was yard built and has a lot of space below decks due to its generous beam. Weighing in at 15 tons and with a moderate sail area this vessel is a real motorsailer. The sails only need reefing in stormy weather. The closed wheelhouse means you can sail all year round. The owner, a former sailor has always maintained the boat very well. She is well equipped, including a radar, a permanently installed aggregate and bow thruster. It's ketch rigged; mainsail and genoa are recent, only the mizzen is older, but because of limited use it’s still in good condition.


The accommodation is roomy, with from fore to aft a cabin with two large bunks one above the other and storage, cupboard space and sink. In the main cabin there is a U-shaped seat with a long seat opposite. The long seating can be converted into two bunks one above the other. Beyond that is the shower / head and to port the spacious galley. There are steps leading into the cockpit which has all equipment necessary including the (professional Rheinstrom) thruster and aggregate. Then aft is a spacious cabin with a comfortable double berth and plenty of storage space.


Under the cockpit floor is a 62pk Thorneycroft Diesel (3425 engine hours) and the diesel generator (995 engine hours). The Shaft drive has been renovated and equipped with a powerful thrust bearing and a grease-lubricated propeller shaft. Here is also one of two heaters that are built on the ship. There is a pressurized water tank and a geyser. Electricity is supplied by three solar panels, 2 x 260Ah gel batteries and 1 x 105Ah battery.

The total capacity is of the tanks is: diesel 600L and water 600L.

There is an electric anchor winch and an electric head and TV with satellite dish.


Due to their varying geographic locations please only make travel
arrangements to view if you are actively considering purchase.



Length: LOA 11,75m, LOD 10,67m

Width: 3,95m

Draught: approx 1,65m

Displacement: 15 Tons

Ballast: 2.7 Ton

Clearance: 13 meters


Engine: 4 cyl. Thornycroft 230 62 hp

Sails: mainsail, mizzen, furling genoa, jib, storm jib, trysail, spinnaker

Headroom 1.90 m. Sleeps 6 + 2 people.

Navigation Equipment log / wind / depth, GPS, Navtex, radar and (hydraulic) autopilot. Twice VHF (sea and inland).

Installations: diesel 3,5Kw (installed), new batteries, battery chargers, Water pressure system, LED lighting, diesel and water tanks, gas bottle storage.

Equipment: Two heavy anchors fore, RIB with Selva 4-stroke outboard motor, davids.

Safety: fire extinguisher, swim ladder and rescue equipment.



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